Since day one, at Irium we have understood the Consulting as a provision of added value services. However, although we know that giving a quick and effective response to our clients in their projects, cannot be separated from the essential value of the people who make up these same projects. The human resource, how this key piece of the business process is named, represents a very important factor for the consulting agencies, which has to be taken seriously, with care and value in the same way we do with the projects and clients.
Becoming a consulting agency with a good positioning, is the result of a close relationship with clients, but also a good relationship with the human talent who bring their professionalism and good work to all those same projects.
At Irium, we were conscious of this. In fact, ten years ago we created the Operations Department with the purpose of applying the best practices in management and talent development of our projects. We wanted to synchronized interweave the need to show the client and his project, with the priority of bringing the company to the professionals, making them participants and offering them a management of their professional careers of first level.
In the same way, Miguel Martin, team member of Irium’s project bank development department, tells us his experience and how he figured out a big difference, before his incorporation, compared with other companies.
"When I was contacted by the recruiting team, I was on a project in England and I couldn’t join when the client had planned" despite this, and having other candidates for the vacancy, "Irium opted for me and handled another date with the client, adjusted to my needs".
From his start with us, Miguel recounts his experience in Irium as very different from experiences in other technology consulting companies: "Since day one, Belén (her Operations Coordinator) has been there for anything I’ve needed. She kept in contact, whether by phone, email or even WhatsApp and has always helped me. I know I have a contact in the company who I can always count on".
When in confinement period, Irium has proved their permanent connection with the employee. "I didn’t have a good Wi-Fi connection and they sent me a cable so I could connect directly to the router without having to change the work site I had prepared in my room". At another time I told Belén that I did not work well on the small screen of the laptop and they sent me a complete kit of peripherals with a large monitor, the same day.” "It was all very easy".
For Miguel, one aspect that he highly values, is the continuous communication within the company, since he tells us that his Operations Coordinator has always kept him abreast of the evolution of his requests at all times. In addition, the Operations team "contact us periodically to follow up on the development of the project, know our needs or just have a coffee".
In his opinion, when working for a consultant on a final client project, there are two fundamental things that determine professional satisfaction: the task to be developed and the working conditions. "The former depends on the client, then on the consultant. My experience, in Irium was very satisfactory, we try to provide everything to make conditions the best possible, this is the best consulting agency I have ever known".
Managing a team of hundreds of people in such a dispersed and heterogeneous environment, such as the one produced in the company, is a challenge that is never definitively prepared.
It requires constancy and discipline to maintain best practices acquired over the years of expertise, a team of highly qualified talent management professionals, with experience in the sector and in the particular difficulties involved. It requires also a great team with empathy and human courage, and the firm conviction from management that continuous improvement in employee service is the only way to succeed.